Certificates are applicable to the following product and service ranges:
Design, Software Development and Manufacture of: Automatic Control Systems (ACS), Robotic Systems, Autonomous and Unmanned Systems (including Aerial), Guidance and Tracking Systems, Ground Control Systems, Electrooptical Systems, Gyro-stabilized Systems, Carbon Fiber Components, Servo Mechanisms, Systems and Facilities of Communications and Data Transmission, Systems of Radio Electronic Control, Navigation Systems, Information Security Systems, Data Processing Systems. Training of Specialists in Automatic Unmanned Systems Operation. Operation and Implementation of Automatic Unmanned Systems. Collection, Processing and Preparation of Cartographic and Space Information, Including Aerial Survey.
Our company is created for our customers and we are ready to constantly improve the quality of design and production of automated control systems, software, electronic control and regulation devices, data processing and visualization devices, device systems, communication and data transfer systems and equipment, robotic and unmanned systems, navigation systems, data security systems; training specialists in operating automated unmanned complexes; operation and implementation of automated unmanned complexes; collecting, processing and preparing cartographic and space-based information, including aerial surveys, promoting the competitiveness of the work performed and contributing to the prosperity of our customers.
The activities of UAVOS EU S.L. are aimed at:
- compliance with the legislative requirements, with consumer and stakeholder requirements;
- maintenance and constant improvement of the quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and constantly increasing its efficiency;
- allocation of resources for continuous improvement of the quality management system processes, for implementation of the established quality objectives;
- continuous improvement of the skills, proficiency of the employees and promoting the development of their creative and productive activities;
- continuous hazard identification, risk assessment and taking necessary measures;
- ensuring high quality of the products by taking full account of the customers’ interests and expectations, increasing the customer satisfaction;
- improving the financial situation of the company.
The management of the company commits itself to providing the resources for implementation of the quality policy, for achieving the established objectives and creating all the conditions for the effective functioning of the quality management system.
Happy Customers
Trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands.

ISR Unmanned Technologies
isrhas been two long years since we started a mutual business relationship. I cannot believe how far ISR Unmanned Technologies has come in this period. I was not expected to achieve and create so much so quickly.
A huge thanks to each of you for all the effort and dedication you have put into every project we have been involved in.
ISR and UAVOS share the same values and passion for what they do, respecting the environment with the aim to bring the best unmanned technology to the market.

I look forward to continuing growing together for the years to come.
Mauricio Munoz Ebensperger
CEO & Founder
”Stratodynamics’ HiDRON provides access to near space altitudes and a new in-situ monitoring method for the atmospheric science community. The HiDRON project, a collaboration with UAVOS, introduced cost-effective observation techniques useful for climate change and heliophysics research. The UAVOS team is dedicated, conscientious and imaginative in their abilities to approach a problem with multiple creative solutions. Stratodynamics looks forward to more R&D collaboration in the years to come.”

Fiala PROP company
"The Fiala PROP company is excited to work with UAVOS to promote our technologies. The cooperation with the Company is a real opportunity to develop new capabilities and to pursue new business opportunities. This collaboration will be beneficial both to UAVOS and Fiala PROP company."